L4Re Operating System Framework
Interface and Usage Documentation
No Matches

Example of an interrupt service routine.

Example of an interrupt service routine.

* (c) 2008-2009 Adam Lackorzynski <adam@os.inf.tu-dresden.de>,
* Alexander Warg <warg@os.inf.tu-dresden.de>,
* Björn Döbel <doebel@os.inf.tu-dresden.de>
* economic rights: Technische Universität Dresden (Germany)
* This file is part of TUD:OS and distributed under the terms of the
* GNU General Public License 2.
* Please see the COPYING-GPL-2 file for details.
* This example shall show how to connect to an interrupt, receive interrupt
* events and detach again. As the interrupt source we'll use the virtual
* key interrupt -- pin 0 of the log capability.
#include <l4/sys/factory.h>
#include <l4/sys/icu.h>
#include <l4/sys/irq.h>
#include <l4/sys/vcon.h>
#include <l4/sys/utcb.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int const irqno = 0;
l4_cap_idx_t irqcap, icucap;
long err;
icucap = l4re_env()->log;
/* Get a free capability slot for the ICU capability. */
if (l4_is_invalid_cap(icucap))
printf("Did not find the Vlog ICU.\n");
return 1;
/* Get another free capability slot for the corresponding IRQ object. */
printf("Cannot allocate capability slot.\n");
return 1;
/* Create IRQ object. */
if ((err = l4_error(l4_factory_create_irq(l4re_env()->factory, irqcap))))
printf("Could not create IRQ object: %ld (%s).\n", err, l4sys_errtostr(err));
return 1;
* Bind the recently allocated IRQ object to the IRQ number irqno as provided
* by the ICU.
if ((err = l4_error(l4_icu_bind(icucap, irqno, irqcap))))
printf("Could not bind IRQ%d to ICU: %ld (%s).\n", irqno, err, l4sys_errtostr(err));
return 1;
if ((err = l4_error(l4_vcon_get_attr(icucap, &attr))))
printf("Could not get Vcon attributes: %ld (%s).\n", err, l4sys_errtostr(err));
return 1;
/* Disable echo at Vcon console. */
attr.l_flags &= ~L4_VCON_ECHO;
if ((err = l4_error(l4_vcon_set_attr(icucap, &attr))))
printf("Could not set Vcon attributes: %ld (%s).\n", err, l4sys_errtostr(err));
return 1;
printf("Vcon echo disabled.\n");
/* Bind ourselves to the IRQ. Define the IPC label which is sent if an IRQ
* IPC arrives. */
if ((err = l4_error(l4_rcv_ep_bind_thread(irqcap, l4re_env()->main_thread, 0x1234))))
printf("Could not bind to IRQ%d: %ld (%s).\n", irqno, err, l4sys_errtostr(err));
return 1;
printf("Attached to key IRQ %d.\nPress keys now, Shift-Q to exit.\n", irqno);
/* IRQ receive loop. */
while (1)
/* Wait for the interrupt to happen. If we received an IRQ, the label
* return code is set to 0. If we didn't receive an IRQ, the error flag
* in the message tag is set and l4_error() reads the IPC error code from
* the UTCB. */
l4_umword_t label;
if ((err = l4_error(l4_irq_wait(irqcap, &label, L4_IPC_NEVER))))
printf("Could not receive IRQ: %ld (%s).\n", err, l4sys_errtostr(err));
char buf[128];
int n;
if (label != 0x1234)
printf("Unexpected label %0lx -- ignoring interrupt.\n", label);
/* Process the interrupt -- may do a 'break' */
printf("Got IRQ with expected label 0x%lX.\n", label);
n = l4_vcon_read(icucap, buf, sizeof(buf));
if (n < 0)
printf("Could not read from Vcon interface: %d (%s).\n", n, l4sys_errtostr(n));
unsigned i;
int terminate = 0;
for (i = 0; i < (unsigned)n && i < sizeof(buf); ++i)
int c = (unsigned char)buf[i];
if (c >= 32 && c < 128) // Filter UTF-8 encodings.
printf("Got key '%c'.\n", c);
printf("Got keycode %d.\n", c);
if (buf[i] == 'Q')
terminate = 1;
if (terminate)
/* We're done, detach from the interrupt. */
if ((err = l4_error(l4_irq_detach(irqcap))))
printf("Could not detach from IRQ: %ld (%s).\n", err, l4sys_errtostr(err));
printf("Application terminated.\n");
return 0;
Capability allocator C interface.
Common factory related definitions.
l4_cap_idx_t l4re_util_cap_alloc(void) L4_NOTHROW
Get free capability index at capability allocator.
l4re_env_t * l4re_env(void) L4_NOTHROW
Get L4Re initial environment.
Definition env.h:190
unsigned long l4_umword_t
Unsigned machine word.
Definition l4int.h:51
unsigned long l4_cap_idx_t
Capability selector type.
Definition types.h:359
unsigned l4_is_invalid_cap(l4_cap_idx_t c) L4_NOTHROW
Test if a capability selector is the invalid capability.
Definition types.h:412
l4_msgtag_t l4_factory_create_irq(l4_cap_idx_t factory, l4_cap_idx_t target_cap) L4_NOTHROW
Create a new IRQ sender.
Definition factory.h:511
l4_msgtag_t l4_icu_bind(l4_cap_idx_t icu, unsigned irqnum, l4_cap_idx_t irq) L4_NOTHROW
Bind an interrupt line of an interrupt controller to an interrupt object.
Definition icu.h:504
long l4_error(l4_msgtag_t tag) L4_NOTHROW
Get IPC error code if any or message tag label otherwise for an IPC call.
Definition ipc.h:657
l4_msgtag_t l4_irq_detach(l4_cap_idx_t irq) L4_NOTHROW
Detach from an interrupt source.
Definition irq.h:299
l4_msgtag_t l4_irq_wait(l4_cap_idx_t irq, l4_umword_t *label, l4_timeout_t to) L4_NOTHROW
Unmask IRQ and wait for any message.
Definition irq.h:317
l4_msgtag_t l4_rcv_ep_bind_thread(l4_cap_idx_t ep, l4_cap_idx_t thread, l4_umword_t label)
Bind the IPC receive endpoint to a thread.
#define L4_IPC_NEVER
never timeout
Definition __timeout.h:84
int l4_vcon_read(l4_cap_idx_t vcon, char *buf, unsigned size) L4_NOTHROW
Read data from virtual console.
Definition vcon.h:400
l4_msgtag_t l4_vcon_set_attr(l4_cap_idx_t vcon, l4_vcon_attr_t const *attr) L4_NOTHROW
Set attributes of a Vcon.
Definition vcon.h:420
l4_msgtag_t l4_vcon_get_attr(l4_cap_idx_t vcon, l4_vcon_attr_t *attr) L4_NOTHROW
Get attributes of a Vcon.
Definition vcon.h:444
Interrupt controller.
C Irq interface.
Namespace functions, C interface.
Vcon attribute structure.
Definition vcon.h:197
l4_umword_t l_flags
local flags
Definition vcon.h:200
l4_cap_idx_t log
Logging object-capability.
Definition env.h:114
Virtual console interface.